ساماندهان نواندیش
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ساماندهان نواندیش
  • فارسی
  • العربية

(+98) 021-56417234

Consultation with experts

Polyurethane foam rigid insulators

Polyurethane foam rigid insulators

Rigid polyurethane foam insulation provides the most technical and convenient solution for cold insulation and cryogenic piping systems in oil, gas and petrochemical plants.

High density rigid polyurethane insulation parts:
High density rigid polyurethane foam is suitable for insulation of cold pipe supports when strong mechanical properties and high insulation properties are required at the same time. The parts of this insulation can be shaped like a half of a pipe or a rectangular block according to the plans of the pipe supports of the project.

Low density rigid polyurethane insulation parts:
Rigid polyurethane foam with low density is used for cold insulation of piping systems (line insulation) and is prefabricated in cross-sectional form of half-pipe to be used as single-layer or multi-layer insulation.

cold support                cold support

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